Arlington Catholic Imaginary Gardens

Imaginary Gardens

Imaginary Gardens




Imaginary Gardens

The student-run literary magazine of Arlington Catholic.  The magazine features student writing ranging from short stories to college essays and poems.  

The title of the magazine has its roots in Marianne Moore's Poetry, in which she describes the goal of a writer as the creation of "imaginary gardens with real toads in them."

The staff of the magazine will hold a meeting every Thursday after school in Mrs. Dever's room, 313.  All submissions should be sent following the instructions on the home page.  They will be subject to review by the students working with the magazine before they are approved and published.


How to submit work:

1.      To submit digital copies of artwork, poetry or prose, attach your piece to an email  and send it to

2.      To submit a hard copy of artwork, poetry or prose, give your material to Ms. Thiel or your English teacher.  You may also drop off your submission in 313 with Mrs. Dever or place your piece in the folder attached to the “Imaginary Gardens” bulletin board outside of room 205.

3.      Be sure to review the submission guidelines below:

         Literary must be 1,000 words or less. There is no minimum word count.

  •   Digital copies of writing pieces are preferred (11 or 12 pt. legible font)
  •   Grammar and spelling errors will be revised in fiction and essays. If the errors are intentional, please make a note at the top of your piece. Poetry will not be edited.
  •   All art (excluding the cover) will be printed in black and white, so please keep this in   mind before creating   your entry.
  •  Only 2D works of art will be accepted for submissions.
  •  Work does not have to be created for/in school to be considered for publication.
  •   Please, only submit original works. Plagiarized works will not be considered for publication.